Core concepts

Procedures & Checklists

Checklist and procedures are built-in to the program, ensuring control and adherence to quality standards. Content is customisable, allowing you to accommodate for scenarios specific to your requirements.

Procedures vs checklists

While checklists (traditionally) are still a big part of the workpaper preparation process, Cimplico Workpapers has challenged the notion of a single lengthy checklist for your workpaper. We believe checklist items should be specific and contextualised to where they're relevant. Let's look at procedures and checklists more to understand the differences.


Procedures refer to items that are generic to the preparation of a workpaper. These are items that are not specific to any one type of account or schedule, but are general items that should be done (or at least considered) on every workpaper.

You configure procedure templates at the firm level, tagging each procedure with the workpaper role that should be resolving it, and optionally the entity type the procedure applies to. When you create a workpaper, you select a template to apply. This will take procedures from the template that are generic and specific to the entity type and add these to the workpaper, ensuring only relevant items are brought down from the template.


One of the best parts of Cimplico Workpapers is Checklists. Checklists map to specific accounts via report code. This allows Workpapers to add checklist items to the worksheets they apply to, rather than as part of a lengthy, ambiguous list on the job.

An advantage of checklists on the worksheet is its ability to add an additional layer of governance and control to the worksheet preparation. By having the checklist items in the location they are required helps ensure items are not missed or forgotten, as for a worksheet to be ready for review, it requires all checklist items be resolved. In the case of a resolved checklist item being updated or unchecked, a reviewed worksheet will become active again.

Dynamic templates

Tag procedures with one or more entity types when creating your template. When the procedure template is applied to a workpaper, it will only bring across procedure items relevant to the workpaper.

Update your templates and sync the changes

Don't stress about updating your procedures and checklists! When you update a procedure or checklist template you'll have the option of syncing the changes to any active workpapers using the template.

Set default templates

Configure your own templates and make them defaults for your firm. When creating a workpaper the template will automatically be pre-selected for you.

Checklist items, right where they're needed

Create your checklist templates for your firm. Apply a template when creating a workpaper and items tagged with report codes present in the workpaper's trial balance will be brought across right to the account's worksheet.

Completion visibility & accountability

Cimplico Workpapers records the user and datetime of procedures and checklists completed or marked as "not applicable" within a workpaper. Items marked as "not applicable" are also accompanied by a reason submitted by the user.
