Getting started

Before you begin

We know you're excited to start using Cimplico Workpapers, but before you begin let's talk about how you plan to implement it into your firm.

Introducing a new system to your firm can be challenging and daunting, but don't worry - we're here to help! We have implementors who are experts in onboarding and are eager to work with you and your firm for a seamless onboarding experience. To learn more, you can check out our Using an implementor article discussing how an implementor can help get your firm up-and-running as quick as possible, or contact us at for assistance.

In this article we'll cover the allocation of project champions, different rollout approaches, data migration, and education & training.

Allocating project champions

To ensure success and a smooth onboarding experience we recommend allocating a staff member or team to "champion" the project. Your champion(s) will be in charge of relaying communication between staff and the external implementor (if you choose to leverage this option).

If you'd prefer to implement Cimplico Workpapers internally, your champion(s) would be responsible for:

  • Any communication with us during the process (if required)
  • Tracking and ensuring staff are completing the appropriate training
  • Configuring Cimplico Workpapers to suit your firm
  • Setting up your integrations

Roll-out approaches

There are a few different approaches you can take to introduce a new system like Cimplico Workpapers into your firm; unfortunately there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Below is an overview of the options we recommend.

There are 3 primary implementation approaches we recommend:

Direct cut-over ("Big Bang")

A direct cut-over, or "big bang" rollout approach is essentially turning off your old system and immediately using Workpapers on an assigned cut-over or "go-live" date.


The opposite of the direct cut-over is a phased approach, where the new software (Cimplico Workpapers in this case) is rolled-out progressively over the project timeline and the old system is phased out.


A pilot approach gives a firm the opportunity to trial Workpapers with a small pilot team prior to conducting a direct cut-over for the remainder of the firm. This approach is essentially the middle-ground between the direct cut-over and phased methods.

For a more detailed review of each, including the pros and cons of each, see our article on Implementation approaches.

Data migration

Depending on your roll-out approach, there may be a need to migrate data from your previous system. In these instances we encourage you to reach out to to let us help you streamline this process.

Staff training & education

Education and training is an important aspect of implementing a new system, as it helps your staff to better understand the new system and reduce the unknown, leading to increased buy-in and more confidence.

To assist with the training process, we've provided a series of lessons featuring a written breakdown accompanied by screenshots and will soon also feature short video tutorials. Lessons have been split into small articles focusing on different aspects of Cimplico Workpapers. Our Learning Workpapers article is a great starting point, listing the articles in a recommended order for the different roles within the organisation.


  • Allocate your project champions
  • Decide on a roll-out approach
  • Explore data migration options (if applicable)
  • Create your staff training and learning schedule

When you're confident with the above, check out our article on Setting up Workpapers in your firm for the next steps.

Overview of Cimplico Workpapers