🎓 Creation to completion


The notification system in Cimplico Workpapers aims to inform you of changes and updates that occur from a collaborative software. While the notification system is extensive, notification preferences can be configured from your user settings, ensuring you are only being notified about what's important to you.

Notifications can be seen by clicking the bell icon in the top navbar. If you have outstanding notifications the bell icon will have an amber bubble on it.

notification bell with active notification

Clicking the icon will show your active notifications, along with several options.

Notification window open example


Let's look at what's featured in a notification.

Notification breakdown

From the example above we can see a notification consists of:

  • Read status: Indicated by a blue dot on the far left, indicating whether the notification has been read or not. Notifications are read once they have been clicked.
  • Icon: An icon + colour pair representing the domain the notification is related to for quick identification.
  • Title: The notification event that has occured.
  • Context: The entity and workpaper that the event has occured on.
  • Date: Relative date of when the event occured.

To be taken to the notifications source, simply click the event row. Doing this will also clear the read status.


You can mark all notifications as "read" by clicking the Mark all as read button in the top-right corner of the notification window.

Clearing notifications

While notifications have a read status, they also can be cleared to remove the events from your notification window. To clear an event, simply check it off by clicking the circle on the right of the event.

Notification breakdown

Notification events

There are several notification events, grouped by event types. These event types have their own unique icons. These events have been broken down by type below.

Workpaper events

Assigned to a workpaperGet notified when you are are assigned to a workpaper.
Removed from a workpaperGet notified when you are removed from a workpaper.
Assignees addedGet notified when other users are added to a workpaper you are assigned to.
Assignees removedGet notified when other users are removed from a workpaper you are assigned to.
Workpaper becomes activeGet notified when a workpaper you are assigned to becomes active.
Workpaper is archivedGet notified when a workpaper you are assigned to is archived.
Workpaper is completedGet notified when a workpaper you are assigned to is completed.
Export completedGet notified when a scheduled workpaper export is completed.
Export errorGet notified when a scheduled workpaper export errors.

Workpaper certification events

Certification status has changedGet notified when your certification status has changed on a workpaper.
Users have certifiedGet notified when other users certify on a workpaper you are assigned to.
Certification removedGet notified when someone removes their certification from a workpaper you are assigned to. If you removed your certification you will not be notified.

Worksheet events

Assigned to a worksheetGet notified when you are are assigned to a worksheet.
Removed from a worksheetGet notified when you are removed from a worksheet.
Assignees addedGet notified when other users are added to a worksheet you are assigned to.
Assignees removedGet notified when other users are removed from a worksheet you are assigned to.
Worksheet is reviewedGet notified when a worksheet you are assigned to is reviewed.
Worksheet is awaiting reviewGet notified when a worksheet you are assigned to is awaiting review.
Worksheet is excludedGet notified when a worksheet you are assigned to is excluded.
Worksheet is in progressGet notified when a worksheet you are assigned to is in progress.

Other schedule events

Assigned to an other scheduleGet notified when you are are assigned to an other schedule.
Removed from an other scheduleGet notified when you are removed from an other schedule.
Assignees addedGet notified when other users are added to an other schedule you are assigned to.
Assignees removedGet notified when other users are removed from an other schedule you are assigned to.
Other schedule is reviewedGet notified when an other schedule you are assigned to is reviewed.
Worksheet is awaiting reviewGet notified when an other schedule you are assigned to is awaiting review.
Worksheet is archivedGet notified when an other schedule you are assigned to is archived.

Internal comments events

Tagged in an internal commentGet notified when you are tagged in an internal comment.
Replies to your internal commentGet notified when users reply to your internal comment.
Internal comment is activeGet notified when your internal comment becomes active.
Internal comment is resolvedGet notified when your internal comment is resolved.

Client queries events

Tagged in a client queryGet notified when you are tagged in a client query.
Replies to your client queryGet notified when users reply to your client query.
Client query is activeGet notified when your client query becomes active.
Client query is resolvedGet notified when your client query is resolved.
Client queries overview